April 22, 2021 @ 12:30 pm - 5:00 pm
2021 Earth Day (Joe Kleiber Memorial) Clean-Up
Celebrate Earth Day by making an impact on our beloved James River and Lake Springfield!
Check-in is 12:30-1:00 pm at the Southwood Access for ALL participants.
After a safety talk and distribution of bags and gloves, attendees will be participating in one of these 3 capacities:
1) A shoreline clean-up at Southwood Access, Springfield Lake Clay Henshaw Memorial Access (fishing piers), and Tailwaters Access;
2) Paddle to remote shorelines of Lake Springfield;
3) Float a 4.75-mile section of the James River from Crighton Access to Southwood Access*.
*For experienced floaters only (age 18+) due to cooler water temperatures and other hazards. Bring your own boat, or register ASAP to reserve a JRBP canoe.
Any weather updates/changes will be announced via email, Facebook, Twitter, and JRBP website.