
Diaper Bank Brings Hope, One Diaper At A Time 

 December 4, 2018

By  417 Local Editorial Team

Diaper Bank Brings Hope, One Diaper At A Time

Diaper Bank Brings Hope, One Diaper At A Time

1 in 3 families struggles to buy diapers.

What it means is that in every 3 families in the country, 1 of them has a child crying as it lays in a wet diaper, a soiled diaper, and hasn’t been changed for hours or even a day…

It is a reality that not many people are aware of, and this is the problem Diaper Bank of the Ozarks is out to solve.

Sad Diaper Stories

Did you know that about 48% of U.S. families fail to change their babies’ diapers regularly?

And that 32% of U.S. families reuse diapers?

With dirty diapers being reused over and over, and babies are deprived of clean diapers when they need them, just think about the impact on these little ones’ health…

Skin rashes, infections, inflamed skin, and so on, and so forth.

Meanwhile, that distressed baby cries from the discomfort she is going through. That poor child can barely verbalize what she is feeling. Parents, on the other hand, are left feeling guilty and helpless from not being able to support their baby’s basic need.

It is something most people may not know of but this inadequacy in diaper supply experienced by 1 out of 3 families with babies in the U.S happens day after day.

The Diaper Bank of Ozarks has been extending its support to solve this issue, and they need your participation to keep the vision and mission alive… For these suffering babies across Missouri, and the entirety of the United States.

Programs Offered By the Diaper Bank of the Ozarks

Programs Offered By the Diaper Bank of the Ozarks

The Diaper Bank has created several programs all with the same purpose:

To address the daily needs of families in need of a diaper for their babies… And More.

These programs include:

- Greene County Disposable Diaper Distribution which serves babies in Greene County through 40 partnering agencies.

- Rural County Diaper Distribution Program reaches 30 counties through 20 partnering agencies in the Ozarks rural counties.

- Diapers for Daycare Program distributes 50,000 to 80,000 disposable diapers each year.

- Cloth Diaper Loan Program provides cloth diaper loans to as much as 150 families yearly.

- Baby Hub Program offers educational resources to families, as well as children’s activities during class time.

- Period Products Program provides period items with the support of partner agencies.

These programs are set in place to reduce the suffering of babies whose caretakers are unable to meet their need for a clean diaper. Now it’s your turn to take part and give back where help is most needed.

The Diaper Bank is More Than A Diaper Storage

The Diaper Bank is More Than A Diaper Storage

According to statistics, the national poverty rate is between 12.7 and 14.1 percent.

In Springfield, it is at 25 percent.

Such a big number that means so many things. One of these includes the fact that so many parents struggle to provide one of the costliest baby items.

As a way of extending help to this pressing issue, the Diaper Bank has created a program that will supply clean, disposable and/or cloth diapers to these little ones.

Since its inception, it has donated between 70,000 and 80,000 diapers to 40 of its local partnering agencies located in Greene County. This is to address the daily requests for clean diapers by single moms or dads, financially struggling teen moms, and grandparents raising these babies while on a fixed, inadequate income.

At present, the Diaper Bank partners with a total of 29 agencies in the Ozarks’ rural counties, successfully reaching 30 counties. Through these agencies, their goal is to distribute as much as 300,000 disposable diapers to families in 2018.

The Diaper Bank gives hope with its acts of charity and generosity to those in most need of their help.

Every diaper provided to a family gives hope, a commodity that is just as rare as a pack of diapers for these struggling individuals in society.

If you had a baby, would you let her cry endlessly because of a soiled diaper that’s been sitting there for hours and hours?

If no, then you wouldn’t bear any baby to suffer this fate… Whether she’s yours or not.

Extend your help through The Diaper Bank today.

417 Local Editorial Team

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